Sunday, May 10, 2009

why la

i am an alien in brunei. this is my first post. haha. okay, i am fresh out of creative ideas. have been working on a project for the past three weeks and have only recently completed yesterday. so, i'm feeling rather exhausted.

why a blog on brunei? well, i have been here almost six months and i haven't seen any part of the country except bandar seri begawan and gadong. so, i thought that by creating a blog specifically for my stay in brunei, it might spur me to SEE more of brunei. lol!

yes, i am that sad. it's work, work, work.

truthfully, brunei was never my first choice to leave my country for. it seems to close to home, to provincial ... but it has kind of grown on me. plus, i now know how to use 'bah', like how i would use 'lah' in malaysia.

ok, i'm just too exhausted. cheerio. till next time.