Tuesday, August 17, 2010

how time flies ...

it's already Ramadhan ... and my two-year contract here in Brunei will end in a few months.

have yet to explore all of Brunei. have been home quite a few times and to other countries apart from Malaysia. but have yet to go to Temburong. maybe before i leave.

am hoping they will renew my contract, although i prefer to return to Malaysia. but the money's good. well, in terms of currency. my mother says the situation in Malaysia will get worse in the next two years. sigh. who knows. that's my mum. the doom master.

it's quiet here in Brunei during the fasting month. government offices close by 2pm. it's entering the second week of Ramadhan and it seems most locals prefer dining at home. one of my friends said she and a collegue went to Fratini's for sungkai (that's what they call 'buka' or breaking of fast here in Brunei) the other day and there weren't a lot of customers. ditto at The Mall in Gadong. went there yesterday with my housemate and it was quiet.

i've decided this year to make my Ramadhan a good one. was in Malaysia the first few days. had the opportunity to go for solat terawih. tiring but good. Eid is only as good as one's Ramadhan. really. :-)

anyway, i made bubur barli and sago today (barley and sago porridge). actually, you are supposed to use terigu or wheat but i can't find it at Grand Utama or the shop near our flat. so ...

looks ok. tastes ok. dunno whether i should give some to my colleagues. ha.ha.ha.

how i did it:

boiled some barley in water, add pandan (screwpine leaves), then when it's 'empuk' (done), i added sago, then sugar and a bit of salt, and lastly, santan or coconut milk. you have to stir constantly when you are adding the sago and santan. the santan might curdle.

my porridge is not so sweet. just nice. i think. heheh.

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